
The focus of the painting is on the subject who is paused in front of the viewer. There is movement all around, but she is still. Her eyes convey the tension that often exists within us, between wanting to express an emotion and at the same time wanting to suppress it.

This painting is in memory of my firstborn, Elsa.

I remember thinking that I wanted the world to stop and time to pause. That every movement forward, felt like a movement away. I felt guilty the first time I smiled after losing her, as though I was disrespecting her in some way. I had become a person of faith, but I felt anything but faithful. Looking back, I feared healing, because I thought I might slowly forget her. (R.L.)

I haven’t and I won.t forget her. But even if I should, I am secure in the knowledge that one greater than me remembers her - Isaiah 49:15

For anyone who is experiencing grief, I’m sorry. Below is a link to a really encouraging article that may help you.

When Someone You Love Dies

Oil on Canvas, 46x45cm


Tame Birds Sing of Freedom. Wild Birds Fly


She Will Bloom